Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's been a while...

I have been LAZY when it comes to this blog. Not really sure why... Anyway, I'm gonna try to catch y'all up on all my projects! First up is fabric boxes!

Boxes, spray paint, fabric, spray adhesive, measuring tape, marker, glue gun, scrapbook paper, modge podge, pipe straps, and screw and bolts.

 This will be a quick tutorial on how I did it. I used this awesome website for my inspiration, she has TONS of organizational tips! And  this project was mostly about getting my junk organized (and hidden) in these cubbies. First off I started with three cereal boxes that I measured and cut  the height down to 4 1/2 inches tall.

Then I spray painted them black. The fabric I used was a printed burlap from Joann's and I didn't want any color showing through! (FYI I used a Hobby Lobby coupon for the fabric!) Next take your box and measure the length and the width all the way up both sides and end like so.

 Cut your fabric. Make sure to add a couple of inches to be able to WRAP the boxes and tuck fabric inside. Then I marked a diagonal mark about 1 1/2 inches from each corner. From that mark, mark  straight  to each side and then cut out the corner to look like this.

 Use your spray adhesive on the box securing length then width. Wait on the length to get secured before doing the width to ensure a tight fit.

After the adhesive has dried I used my glue gun to secure all the loose areas inside the box. Then I measured scrapbook paper to each inside wall and bottom, and modge podged it in.

Next, or before you get started...I spray painted my  pipe straps black and screws black so when all the glue was dry I added these to the front.
SO cute!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Attic Door

Remember this?

 This sofa and chair set is AWESOME if I do say so myself! ;) The problem is I have to sell it before I can start my next big project. (more on that later) I found a very nice place to sell this set on consignment right before Christmas but it just didn't get enough exposure there...Poo
Things happen for a reason though. Now it is at the CUTEST shop close, and it's close to my home!
The owner Patty was nice and let me bring my set to her lovely and eclectic shop! Her friend Bridgette who has a room there too even trusts me to recover a chair for her! Can you believe it?
Anyway, if y'all are close to Dalton or Chattanooga check this place out. The Attic Door in Rocky Face.
Sneak peek of the set in the store...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh...I thought I was in love!

I have been procrastinating when it comes to this post. It is a tutorial and I knew it was going to take a while to get it all together. But mainly I just don't LOVE these curtains. During this whole process I was so certain they were going to be great. Don't get me wrong. I did a good job and I did love them all the way up to the point when I hung them on the rod and stood back to admire my work.  I'm not 100% sure what it is about them I don't LOVE. I think somehow to me these curtains look sort of "country" and that's not what I was going for. Any suggestions are appreciated!
As for the goes.
 :fabric of choice, lining fabric, thread, sewing machine, scissors, decorative trim, stitch witchery, ribbon, curtain rods

These windows measured 42 inches in width. I didn't want my fabric to be TOO ruffly so I didn't double the width I just made them 68 inches wide. The bottom accent fabric (I wish was the main fabric now!) I measured 5 inches in length and the Polk-a-dot fabric 19 inches. No magic in the numbers, just make them both the same. I took one panel of the Polk-a-dot and then the accent fabric, put both right sides together, pin and sew together. Make sure to back stick. Do both curtains. Then I ironed the seams down.
Now flip those curtain panels over and cut ribbon and stitch witchery (iron on glue tape'll love it)  I  just layed my ribbon on the fabric and cut it. Then adhere with the stitch witchery and a iron.
Now for the tricky part. Well kind of I guess. The lining needs to be shorter than the front. Yea that's right, shorter. It will make the front fold over to the back a little so the lining doesn't show when the curtains are hanging up! So leave the curtain panel right side up and place the backing to it. Right sides together. I just used left over canvas from  my other projects. Fold over the actual curtain panel and pin.
You need to fold in right at the corner and then fold over. Just play with it til it looks right and pin it good. Fold up on each side of each panel and sew all three sides! When you are done sewing iron BEFORE you turn them right side out. This will help keep the main fabric folded to the back some. When you are done with that, turn each panel right side out. Then iron. Now fold over the top that will make the pocket for the curtain rod. I just did mine two inches. No magic numbers just do both panels the same.
Now for the trim. I bought these cute little poms at Micheal's with a 40% off coupon! ( I try to never pay full price at Micheal's, Hobby Lobby or Joann's)
I top stitched these poms right on to the bottom. I did pin them very carefully on first and when sewing i had to constantly adjust the pins and pull the trim tighter so when at the end of each panel I had a few poms left over. I also stitched with a zipper foot and very carefully. This part is a little tedious.
Now just add the panels to the rods and it's all done! 
Still some things to do in this room. We need a black furry rug, patch up some paint spots, do a good cleaning out of the junk! But that probably won't happen. This is my 14 year old daughter's room.....

Linking up to

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wine cabinet

Just a little something I have been working on. Went from red to wow!
I love this wine cabinet my in-laws gave us. I have had it for years and i have always loved the red but i am trying to neutralize my colors so I decided to paint it. I had some Annie Sloan chalk paint left over from the couch and chair I Recently did. So I thought I'd use that. I painted the cabinet Paris grey then old white on top. Distressed it and then waxed with clear wax. I didn't have a dark wax so I made one. I added a touch of stain to some of the clear wax, applied then buffed the whole thing. I think it turned out perfect!

Linking to...

Shades of Amber

Thursday, February 2, 2012

6 more weeks of winter?

That groundhog saw his shadow so 6 more weeks of winter. I have been fine so far with winter time. It has been pretty mild here in north Georgia but I have also been busy with other projects to keep my mind off of the yard. Usually I start planning my yard chores out before Christmas but not this year. Until today...The weather here is absolutely crazy! 67 degrees on February 2nd. And the very first daffodil bloom of the year. I don't think they have ever bloomed this early. I hope we don't pay for this later with a late frost....I WILL cover all my hydrangeas with sheets to avoid no blooms this summer. Anyway, I did enjoy getting outside today. I trimmed all the roses back and deadheaded my hydrangea blooms. I cut Anne belle hydrangea back to 1/2 since she blooms on new wood. That will avoid the blooms touching the ground. However don't cut any other mophead back that far (even endless summer) because your plant will not bloom! Here are a few pics to share...
Lenten rose
Mophead hydrangea

Camellia "general something!" 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First DIY of 2012

Cute custom camera strap. Ok I did it. I have made something AND blogged about it. Not exactly a tutorial but getting closer. I followed this easy step by step camera strap tutorial This girl can sewwwww
Super easy. (super easy? not for me but you get it) It took me about two hours and it is FAR from perfect but its mine! I think I will make one for my daughter to use on my other camera. YAY!!


Am I a blogger? Probably not. I started blogging because I want to chronicle all the projecst I do around the house. boo's house...duh. And I wanted to be able to share those with people. But it seems I can't really find much time to do it. Usually when I do a project I think about blogging AFTER I get started! Well... I am making a resolution for 2012 to blog at least once a week in hopes it will become easier for me. I am a complete and udder idiot when it comes to changing my blog and using all these gadgets, HTML and what ever else there is to know about it. I know NOTHING. But I am trying to learn. I did get a tip today from about how to add a navigation bar to the top of my blog. And I did it! Easy peasy. I did figure out I definitly need more tutorials and more labels. Here goes....