Boxes, spray paint, fabric, spray adhesive, measuring tape, marker, glue gun, scrapbook paper, modge podge, pipe straps, and screw and bolts.
This will be a quick tutorial on how I did it. I used this awesome website for my inspiration, she has TONS of organizational tips! And this project was mostly about getting my junk organized (and hidden) in these cubbies. First off I started with three cereal boxes that I measured and cut the height down to 4 1/2 inches tall.
Then I spray painted them black. The fabric I used was a printed burlap from Joann's and I didn't want any color showing through! (FYI I used a Hobby Lobby coupon for the fabric!) Next take your box and measure the length and the width all the way up both sides and end like so.
Cut your fabric. Make sure to add a couple of inches to be able to WRAP the boxes and tuck fabric inside. Then I marked a diagonal mark about 1 1/2 inches from each corner. From that mark, mark straight to each side and then cut out the corner to look like this.
Use your spray adhesive on the box securing length then width. Wait on the length to get secured before doing the width to ensure a tight fit.
After the adhesive has dried I used my glue gun to secure all the loose areas inside the box. Then I measured scrapbook paper to each inside wall and bottom, and modge podged it in.
Next, or before you get started...I spray painted my pipe straps black and screws black so when all the glue was dry I added these to the front.
SO cute!!!